Opinion: Passamaquoddy racino vote a surprise

"In a quiet election year, the citizen initiative to allow the Passamaquoddy Tribe to build a racino in Washington County garnered the most attention. But more interesting than the debate before the vote is what the initiative's defeat says about the future of gaming in Maine.

Before we go too far, I should make my position on gaming clear. I believe casino gambling undermines Maine's unique way of life and that the resulting social and economic costs are greater than any economic benefits. I voted against the Washington County racino and have opposed all the gambling questions that have appeared on recent ballots.

The outcome of this year's vote was a surprise to many.

Voters approved a 2003 referendum allowing racinos at Maine's existing harness tracks. As a result, Hollywood Slots opened in Bangor and more than $1 billion has been wagered there in the last two years. Earlier this year, the Legislature strongly backed the Washington County racino and only Gov. John Baldacci's veto kept the proposal from being approved without a referendum.

In October, an independent poll showed 56 percent of Mainers supported the racino, but on Election Day, 52 percent of the voters opposed it."

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Dan Billings: Racino foes waged strong, winning campaign (The Kennebec Journal 11/29)