Editorial: Aquinnah Wampanoag in casino race

"The Aquinnah Wampanoag may have a better chance of succeeding at their casino venture than their counterparts from Mashpee. Not only are they free of the disgrace brought upon the Mashpees by former Chairman Glenn Marshall, who resigned after he was caught lying to Congress about his military record, but the Aquinnahs have formed a powerful partnership with the Seneca of New York and their development corporation.

Until the fall of Mr. Marshall, any observer might have discounted the Aquinnahs' odds of winning one of three casino licenses proposed by Gov. Deval Patrick, especially because his plan to give an unnamed Indian group preference for one of the licenses seemed to be crafted in response to the actions of the Mashpee Wampanoag. The Mashpees revived the state's casino debate by purchasing hundreds of acres in Middleboro following their federal recognition in February. In contrast, the Aquinnahs had made a series of casino proposals that failed to win approval in the 1990s.

Their partner, the Seneca Gaming Corp., would have no trouble buying land. In the five years since its founding, the company has built three casinos in western New York. It employs some 4,300 people and will soon employ 10,000 once an expansion comes to fruition. As with any casino investment group, its payroll includes lobbyists who will pay many visits to Beacon Hill."

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OUR VIEW: Aquinnahs are a major player in casino race (The New Bedford Standard-Times 11/23)