The Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe of Massachusetts and the Seneca Nation of New York made the rounds to two newspaper editorial boards on Tuesday. The tribes have formed a partnership to pursue a commercial casino in Massachusetts. Gov. Deval Patrick (D) has proposed legislation for up to three casinos and he says tribes will be given preference. The Aquinnah have elected a new chairman but leaders from both tribes said the plans for a commercial casino will continue. "The reality is the state is looking at commercial casino licenses and we're looking at that as the primary opportunity," outgoing chairman Donald Widdiss told The Cape Cod Times. Widdiss sits on the tribe's gaming enterprise. The Seneca Nation has seen success with its on- and off-reservation casinos. "We have a good neighbor policy," tribal council member and chief of staff Robert "Chub" Pierce told The New Bedford Standard-Times. Get the Story:
Two tribes vying for casino license (The Cape Cod Times 11/21)
Aquinnah prefer 'rural setting' for area casino (The New Bedford Standard-Times 11/21)