"A fight already is breaking out over the agreement Gov. Crist and the Seminoles signed last week to expand gambling at seven tribal properties in Florida. But the odds of finding a true "good guy" in this fight are slim. Usually, those who want less gambling would be the obvious good guys. But this time, those people are either naive or greedy. The irony is that the pari-mutuel operators who oppose the Seminole deal made it inevitable with their amendment in 2004 to expand gambling at their tracks and frontons. For now, the deal Gov. Crist and the Seminoles signed brings Florida the least new gambling for the most benefit. In this fight, that makes them the good guys." Get the Story:
Editorial: Given bad set of options, best bet is on Seminoles (The Palm Beach Post 11/19) More Opinions:
Editorial: Governor may have overplayed his hand (The St. Petersburg Times 11/18)
Editorial: Seminole Tribes' gain is Florida's loss (The Miami Herald 11/18)
Editorial: Public voice missing on casino deal (The News-Press 11/17)
Editorial: Why Crist's gambling deal with Seminoles makes sense (The Orlando Sentinel 11/16)