"Governor Deval Patrick has unveiled his casino legislation, "AN ACT ESTABLISHING AND REGULATING RESORT CASINOS IN MASSACHUSETTS."
In the title of the bill the governor is making clear his intentions to eliminate Massachusetts cities from competing for casino development. One word, "resort," says it all. He also wipes out any advantage federally recognized Indian tribes might otherwise have enjoyed.
On page 45 the bill says, "No casino license shall issue to an applicant who is a federally recognized Native American tribe located in the Commonwealth or an applicant who is partnered with a federally recognized Native American tribe located in the Commonwealth unless the Native American tribe has entered into a contractual agreement with the Commonwealth in which the Native American tribe agrees to waive any and all of its rights under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, 25 U.S.C sections 2701 et seq., and be subject to the civil and criminal laws, statutes, ordinances, and jurisdiction of the Commonwealth with respect to all activities relating to the development and operation of the resort casino and the applicable rules and regulations prescribed by the authority."
These few words appear to eliminate any advantage an Indian tribe might have expected in the coming casino bidding."
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Tribe must choose: casino OR sovereignty
(Cape Cod Today 10/11)
Blog: Gaming plan wipes out tribal sovereignty
Friday, October 12, 2007
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