
California | Casino Stalker
Off-reservation casinos dead, according to lobbyist

A proposal for two off-reservation casinos in Barstow, California, is dead this year, according to a lobbyist for the city.

The Big Lagoon Rancheria and the Los Coyotes Band of Mission Indians want to build side-by-side casinos in Barstow, hundreds of miles from their respective reservations. They negotiated a compact with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R), who supports the project.

But other tribes with casinos have been lobbying against it. The main opponent is the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, which says both tribes lack ties to Barstow.

The opposition means the compact won't be approved by state lawmakers by the close of the legislative session on September 17, the lobbyist said. But the tribes and city officials say they will fight to gain approval.

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City's lobbyist: Casino project probably dead (The Desert Dispatch 8/30)