
Editorial: Mashpee Tribe deserves shot at casino

"The Mashpee Wampanoags yesterday marked their first official day as a federally recognized Indian tribe and Treasurer Tim Cahill celebrated . . . by wrestling away the spotlight.

In a speech at the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Cahill urged the state to leapfrog the Wampanoags and develop at least one and possibly more resort casinos - which he predicts are inevitable given the state’s two federally-recognized tribes.

OK, so it’s refreshing for anyone on Beacon Hill to do more than whine about whether to expand gaming in Massachusetts, and to publicly address just how much we’re losing in revenue to Connecticut and Rhode Island.

But Cahill’s “plan” is riddled with holes - and, despite the promises, raises doubts about the ability to reap maximum benefit.

There is no good reason why lawmakers should not authorize a destination casino - ideally by negotiating the most favorable deal with the tribes.

But it should be about the best deal - not the biggest headline."

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Editorial: Cahill overplays the state’s hand (The Boston Herald 5/25)