
Citing 'scandal,' McCain seeks more gaming oversight

Citing potential for "scandal" and "abuses," Sen. McCain (R-Arizona) called for stronger oversight of the gaming industry.

“I am concerned about the oversight and regulation of gaming,” McCain said in a conference call with reporters, The Boston Herald reported. “You really need extremely strong oversight and that’s what they have in Nevada. I think this is an issue that Congress needs to revisit.”

McCain has tried to beef up oversight of the $23 billion Indian gaming industry. But his bill to overhaul the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act failed to advance in the 109th Congress.

“This is a controversial issue and there should be significant involvement by the local communities,” he said. “It’s a tough issue, but I believe that if we don’t have stronger oversight and regulation, we could see some bad things happen.”

McCain was chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee from 2005-2006. He spent a significant amount of time on gaming and the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, which involved a handful of wealthy gaming tribes.

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McCain: ‘Scandal’ in cards as gaming takes off (The Boston Herald 5/24)