New York candidates question Seneca Nation casino (May 1, 2006)
Two candidates for governor of New York say they have questions about the Seneca Nation's casino in downtown Buffalo. Democrat Eliot L. Spitzer, the current attorney general, said the casino -- and Indian issues in general -- should be revisited....
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Editorial: SagChip casino went overboard for $20 (May 1, 2006)
"Since Paul Timko "contributed" more than $9,600 to the Soaring Eagle Casino last year, you'd think the casino would do just about anything to bring him back. But no. The casino is hopping mad over $20 it says Timko took...
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Apache Tribe runs into delays in opening casino (May 1, 2006)
The Apache Tribe of Oklahoma says the National Indian Gaming Commission is unfairly delaying the opening of the new Silver Buffalo Casino. The tribe hoped to open the casino in March. But delays associated with the NIGC have prompted half...
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