Tribe offers deal to drop off-reservation casino

An Oregon tribe is offering to help another tribe build a casino -- so long as the other tribe drops its off-reservation casino proposal.

In a May 19 letter, the Grand Ronde Tribes Chairwoman Cheryle A. Kennedy offered to finance an on-reservation casino for the Warm Springs Tribes. "We believe strongly that a new casino on your reservation," she wrote, according to the Associated Press.

But the Warm Springs Tribes don't plan to bite. A tribal attorney said an on-reservation casino won't generate as much revenue as the casino proposed near Portland.

Get the Story:
Tribe tries new idea to stop casino in gorge (The Oregonian 6/9)
Grand Ronde offer Warm Springs tribe deal to stop casino (AP 6/8)
One tribe offers another novel casino deal (KTVZ 6/8)