Listening Lounge: House hearing on IGRA bill

For those who asked, here are audio files of the Wednesday, April 5, 2006, House Resources Committee hearing on off-reservation gaming.

Rep. Richard Pombo (R-California), the chairman of the committee, called the hearing to take testimony on H.R.4893. The bill would make it harder for tribes to acquire non-reservation land for gaming.

Introduction - 4:22 - 1MB

Panel I
Testimony - 19:17 - 4.4MB | Q&A - 60:41 - 13.8MB
John Shagonaby, Treasurer
Match-E-Be-Nash-E-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians, Gun Lake Tribe

Donald Arnold
Chairman, Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians

Jacquie Davis-Van Huss
Secretary, North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California

Panel 2
Testimony -26:30 - 6.0MB | Q&A - 32:21 - 7.4MB
Michigan State Representative Fulton Sheen, Representing 23 is Enough!

Illinois Representative JoAnn D. Osmond
Steven Worthley, Tulare County Member, Indian Gaming Working Group, California State Association of Counties

Randy King
Shinnecock Indian Nation