Listening Lounge: Hearing on off-reservation gaming

The House Resources Committee held a hearing this afternoon on H.R. 4893, a bill to restrict off-reservation gaming.

Rep. Richard Pombo (R-California), the chairman of the committee, introduced the bill on March 7. It amends Section 20 of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act to restrict gaming on newly acquired trust lands.

The committee heard from federal officials today. You can download MP3 audio clips of the hearing.
Witness List

Introduction - 4:21 - 0.99MB

Panel I
Testimony - 10:55 - 2.5MB | ; Q&A - 77:55 - 17.8MB
James Cason, Associate Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior
Accompanied by: George Skibine, U.S. Department of the Interior

Philip N. Hogen, Chairman, National Indian Gaming Commission
Accompanied by: Penny Coleman, General Counsel, National Indian Commission