Opinion: Congress should ban Internet gaming

'Anyone who spends any time on the Internet these days becomes all too familiar with opportunities to play Texas hold ‘em and other forms of online poker and gambling. There’s no escaping the advertisements and spam e-mail.

The ads themselves are nuisances that have helped drive the growing spam-blocker industry. But the gambling itself is far more serious. Many Americans may not be aware that online gambling is illegal and is currently driven by off-shore entities. One report estimated that in 2005 Americans bet $5.9 billion via Internet gambling.

Supporters of gambling respond with a collective shrug and an accusation that opponents are ruining the harmless fun. They view gambling as innocent entertainment—laissez les bon temps roulez! Nevertheless, while the live-and-let-live ethos always strikes a responsive chord among Americans, this perspective on gambling is tragically flawed.

What’s wrong with Internet gambling? The answer gambling analysts have given is ABC: Addiction, Bankruptcy and Crime."

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