St. Regis Mohawk Tribe revives old Catskills casino site

The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe of New York revived plans to build an off-reservation casino on a site in the Catskills that had previously gained Bureau of Indian Affairs approval.

In spring of 2000, the BIA approved the acquisition of the Monticello Raceway for off-reservation gaming. But the tribe dropped the site, and its former partner, to pursue a casino at another location with another firm.

Approval for the new site hasn't happened, four years after the casino was authorized. So tribal leaders are going back to the race track site, a move the BIA could accept as long as New York Gov. George Pataki (R) approves.

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Mohawks Ask Pataki to Approve a Catskill Casino That Was Stalled 5 Years Ago (The New York Times 9/1)