Column: Off-reservation casino talks need to be public

"As you read this column, our Rock River Valley leaders are having an important powwow downtown that could affect your future. The group they belong to receives $200,000 a year from Rockford taxpayers. Rockton, Machesney Park and Loves Park also kick in tax dollars.

But you didn’t get to go to the meeting to see how your money is being spent. Neither did I — they wouldn’t let me in.

The group is the Rockford Area Economic Development Council. You know, it’s The Agency Formerly Known As The Council of 100. The council’s board is talking this morning about the proposed Indian casino, hotel, water park and music theater planned for a Beloit site that hugs the border with Illinois. They’ve invited Beloit leaders and a spokesman for the Lake Superior and St. Croix bands of the Chippewa tribe — the people who will own the casino."

Get the Story:
Chuck Sweeny: Beloit, Rockford chiefs mum on casino powwow (The Rockford Register Star 3/15)