Column: Let voters have say on gaming in Kansas

"Overlooked during the 12-day brouhaha over school funding in Kansas was a letter from Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to legislative leaders that dashed hopes for tribal casino expansion this year. And maybe the foreseeable future.

Sebelius got cold feet over the compact she signed last year with the two-tribe Intertribal Gaming Management Consortium for an off-reservation casino and resort hotel in Wyandotte County after the tribal partners added a third tribe to the group and proposed an additional casino for Cherokee County, just west of Joplin, Mo.

The governor balked over terms of the proposed Cherokee County deal that would prohibit casino-style gambling anywhere else in Kansas, except for the tribes� Wyandotte County project, plus 600 state-owned slots at both The Woodlands and the long-closed Camptown track in Frontenac, Kan."

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Rick Alm: Point, counterpoint: Let Kansas voters decide (The Kansas City Star 7/12)
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