October 16, 2003
Cowlitz Tribe prepares land-into-trust documents (10/16)
Study finds fewer Native children survive leukemia (10/16)
Outdoors: Bush pushing tribes to take over parks (10/16)
Tribes back improvements in probate reform bill (10/16)
Nisqually Tribe gives salmon to military families (10/16)
Commentary: Schwarzenegger wrong on Indian gaming (10/16)
Senate committee takes up Missouri River plan (10/16)
Navajo president promises Wal-Mart and Home Depot (10/16)
Civil rights panel holding briefings on Indian health (10/16)
Janklow defends use of grant for shooting range (10/16)
DNA test released in Minn. police brutality probe (10/16)
Minn. reservations see 16 indictments in 7 months (10/16)
United Native Nations holding conference in Wash. (10/16)
Officer took polygraph for probe into teen's death (10/16)
Maine casino opponents say jurisdiction unresolved (10/16)
R.I. town doesn't want tribe to have jurisdiction (10/16)
Minn. tribe to require diplomas for per cap payments (10/16)
Lawmakers told to finish work on energy legislation (10/16)
Senate panel approves Leavitt nomination for EPA (10/16)
Bear faction takes most votes in Meskwaki primary (10/16)