Bureau of Indian Affairs slammed for safety conditions at schools (March 14, 2016)
Indian students and staff are being placed in high-risk conditions as schools go without essential fixes, the Government Accountability Office reported.
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House subcommittee to hear from tribes and tribal organizations (March 14, 2016)
Dozens of tribal leaders and representatives of tribal organizations will present their funding priorities at four sessions this week.
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House Natural Resources Committee sets markup on Indian bills (March 14, 2016)
Three Indian bills are on the agenda: H.R.329, the Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Consolidation Act; H.R.2009, the Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act; and H.R.2733, the Nevada Native Nations Lands Act.
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Senate Committee on Indian Affairs reschedules telecom hearing (March 14, 2016)
The hearing will focus on a Government Accountability Office report that outlined numerous challenges faced by tribes in securing high-speed Internet service.
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Alaska Natives seek fair consideration of Supreme Court nominee (March 14, 2016)
President Barack Obama is reportedly close to announcing his pick for the nation's highest court.
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Jordan Wheeler: Justin Trudeau doesn't deserve Native headdress (March 14, 2016)
This government is less than six months into its mandate. It hasn't done anything yet. Announcements are great but they're words, not actions.
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Robert Jumper: Plenty to enjoy in the Eastern Cherokee outdoors (March 14, 2016)
Put down your smartphone or tablet, or, better yet, leave those at home so you won’t be interrupted.
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Anna Pulley: Tribes disenroll their own as more claim to be Indian (March 14, 2016)
The #StopDisenrollment campaign attempts to bring awareness to the sad irony of Natives imposing the government’s racial categories, which were created to oppress them, and using those same systems to disenfranchise their own people.
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EJ Montini: Fritz Scholder was a genius who redefined 'Indian' art (March 14, 2016)
Fritz Scholder was an art phenomenon and many of the pictures in the Phoenix show come from a time when he rocked that world.
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Lorraine Loomis: Tribes in Washington face dwindling salmon runs (March 14, 2016)
Every year we must wait and hope that enough fish return to feed our families and culture.
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Steven Toby: Northwest tribes maintain responsibility for salmon (March 14, 2016)
The future of the tribes of the Pacific Northwest is inextricably linked to the salmon and steelhead, and we feel a moral obligation to protect and restore sufficient natural habitat to provide for our harvest needs.
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Lakota Country Times: Exhibit focuses on 'Horse Nation' traditions (March 14, 2016)
The arrival of the horse on to the great plains put in to motion a series of historical incidents that led to the rise of one of the most powerful nations North America has ever known
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Native Sun News: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe battles pipeline plan (March 14, 2016)
As the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe mobilizes to prevent construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, the Iowa Utilities Board is holding a webcast public hearing March 9-10 of its latest deliberations about the hazardous liquid project application.
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Mark Trahant: Lac Courte Oreilles Band sees democracy in action (March 14, 2016)
There is so much about this presidential election that appeals to voters’ base instincts: Ugly threats involving immigrants or Muslims; the school-yard shouting matches that replaced Republican debates and, especially concerning, the threats and violence found at Donald Trump’s campaign rallies.
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Charles Trimble: Disgusted with the 2016 presidential campaigns (March 14, 2016)
Growing more concerned and disgusted about the presidential campaign I thought that I should put my views in writing.
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Mike Myers: Indigenous creation stories clash with Western views (March 14, 2016)
You know how as we all go through life we have those a-ha moments, or epiphanies or revelations, whatever you want to call it.
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Peter d'Errico: Leonardo DiCaprio captures indigenous truth in Oscar speech (March 14, 2016)
Leonardo DiCaprio's speech touches a deep wound inflicted on Indigenous Peoples by the initial colonial invasions and reinflicted with every effort to extract more wealth from the Earth, squeeze more life out of people, and despoil what remains for those yet to come.
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Harold Monteau: BIA can't terminate responsibility to disenrolled (March 14, 2016)
The United States has figured out a very disingenuous (sly, if you will) way to bring about the disappearance of Indian Tribes by shirking its fiduciary duties under the guise of promoting 'Tribal Sovereignty.'
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