Bison from Yellowstone gives birth at Fort Peck Reservation (April 23, 2012)
A bison was born on the Fort Peck Reservation in Monday on Sunday. The bison was born from a cow that was transferred to the reservation from Yellowstone National Park. The tribe expects more newborns in the coming weeks. "I...
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Tribes to reunite for historic Unity Ride in Canada and U.S. (April 23, 2012)
Representatives of seven tribes in the Canada and the United States will reunite this summer for the historic Unity Ride. In response to a massacre during the War of 1812, a brigade of 1,400 Native soldiers representing the Dakota, Hidatsa,...
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Red Lake Nation allows non-member fishing on reservation (April 23, 2012)
The Red Lake Nation of Minnesota is allowing non-member fishing on the reservation. Non-members can fish in smaller lakes and on the Red Lake River below the dam on Red Lake. Non-members must obtain a license and be accompanied by...
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Man in United Kingdom: 'An Indian in a white man's body' (April 23, 2012)
The British media has tracked down another man who is obsessed with Indian culture. Dennis Grinsted, 72, said he was named an honorary Apache by a tribe in Arizona. He was given the name "Bar-Cho," which means wolf. I don’t...
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Column: Land run in 1889 opened tribal territory to settlers (April 23, 2012)
"A gunshot at high noon on APRIL 22, 1889, began the famous Oklahoma Land Rush. Within 9 hours some two million acres became the private property of settlers who staked their claims for 160 acres to homestead. Riding as fast...
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Laguna Pueblo welcomes 'The Lone Ranger' to reservation (April 23, 2012)
"The Lone Ranger" will shoot on Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico. The tribe hopes the filming will draw attention to reservations in the state. "There's been a great opportunity for the state of New Mexico for the film industry to...
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House Resources Committee markup for five bills of interest (April 23, 2012)
The House Natural Resources Committee is hosting a markup on Wednesday. The agenda includes five bills of interest: They are: • HR.919, the Mohave Valley Land Conveyance Act. The bill transfers federal land to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission...
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Opinion: San Manuel candidate not like the average citizen (April 23, 2012)
"I have stood by long enough while my husband is misrepresented by James Ramos and his gambling special interests. Enough is enough. How can James Ramos, as a tribal chairman of a sovereign nation who receives over $200,000 a month...
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Makah Nation settles trust mismanagement lawsuit for $25M (April 23, 2012)
The Makah Nation of Washington accepted $25 million to settle its trust mismanagement lawsuit. The tribe sued the federal government in December 2006. The lawsuit sought damages for mismanagement of the tribe's trust funds and trust assets. “The settlement money...
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White House Blog: Roi Holt earns award for crime victim work (April 23, 2012)
"Supporting victims of crime is a priority for this administration and for the Department of Justice. It is important to focus the nation’s attention on the courage and concrete results of individuals and organizations that provide services to crime victims....
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Kim Teehee: White House report on Tribal Nations Conference (April 23, 2012)
"At the White House Tribal Nations Conference on December 2, 2011, President Obama, joined by Cabinet Secretaries and senior Administration officials, met with leaders from all federally recognized tribes for the third consecutive year to continue to strengthen the relationship...
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Native Sun News: Navajo men sue railroad for work illnesses (April 23, 2012)
The following story was written and reported by Kate Saltzstein, Native Sun News Correspondent. All content © Native Sun News. Four Navajo, or Diné, men who were employed by BNSF Railway’s predecessor, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, during the...
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EW: Johnny Depp explains inspiration behind Tonto's look (April 23, 2012)
Photo from Jerry Bruckheimer on Twitter "Johnny Depp is no stranger to unfamiliar faces — but what exactly is the origin of his black-and-white painted warrior in The Lone Ranger? The actor has a penchant for disappearing beneath heavy...
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Opinion: We can 'save' the Awa Tribe from encroachments (April 23, 2012)
"The Awá of Brazil are the world's most threatened tribe. Years of illegal logging and land grabs have brought them to the brink of extinction. But apart from the loggers and their guns, one of their biggest problems is the...
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Opinion: Politics and power in Keystone XL Pipeline debate (April 23, 2012)
"This past Wednesday, the House of Representatives decided to celebrate Mother Earth a few days early by passing yet another bill, HR 4348, to pillage and plunder what is still left of her. As usual, our elected leaders chose to...
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Opinion: Crazy Horse an inspiration to new Indian journalists (April 23, 2012)
"Native American Indians are the most underrepresented minority in the professional news media. But 43 young Indian high school would-be journalists from nine states are in Crazy Horse, S.D., in the shadow of one of their heroes this week to...
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Mike Taylor: Debates over race spilled onto Facebook pages (April 23, 2012)
"So, I recently took down my Facebook page. About a third of my many friends were Indians from various reservations around me; most of these had never gotten past their GED. The rest were white Mormons and white non-Mormons from...
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Julianne Jennings: A long obsession with Indian stereotypes (April 23, 2012)
"Stereotypes help market American merchandise for more than a century, and the history of their use and abuse offers a strange and telling story of race relations in this country. Starting with sugar, its long history is interwoven with that...
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Opinion: GOP roadblock to the Violence Against Women Act (April 23, 2012)
"With their continuing attacks on abortion rights and reproductive health services, Congressional Republicans have shown themselves to be insensitive to women’s concerns. This week, the Senate is expected to take up the proposed reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act,...
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Marc Simmons: Early Europeans found Indians but no gold (April 23, 2012)
"When Fray Juan de Padilla learned of the pending expedition, he sought out the leader, Coronado, and begged to go along as chaplain. His offer was accepted. The dramatic story is well told in history books: how Coronado upon reaching...
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HuffPo: Navajo Nation still struggling with the digital divide (April 23, 2012)
"Like many college students, Wilhelmina Tsosie must go online to complete her assignments. But unlike the vast majority of Americans, she finds that the biggest challenge in her coursework is merely getting connected. Tsosie is a member of the Navajo...
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Famous South Dakotans: Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, activist (April 23, 2012)
"A woman born on the Yankton Indian Reservation became a writer, editor, musician, teacher and political activist. WHO: Zitkala-Sa (Red Bird in Dakota), also known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin. BORN: Feb. 22, 1876. DIED: Jan. 26, 1938, and buried in...
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Tim Giago: Rocky history of Natives and the Mormon Church (April 23, 2012)
Notes from Indian Country By Tim Giago (Nanwica Kciji) © Larry Echo Hawk is leaving his position as Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs after he was named to the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints’ First Quorum...
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