
Campbell Brown slammed for comments on ICWA (December 19, 2008)

The National Indian Child Welfare Association, the National Congress of American Indians and the Native American Journalists Association slammed CNN anchor Campbell Brown for calling the Indian Child Welfare Act a "ridiculous" law. The organizations said Brown's comments were...

Judge removes owner of troubled trailer park (December 19, 2008)

A federal judge removed the owner of a troubled trailer park on the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Reservation in California, saying little progress has been made in improving the facility. “The court is at the end of the line,” Judge...

Boston Magazine: Glenn Marshall's Bad Plan (December 19, 2008)

"We already knew that former Mashpee Wampanoag tribal chairman Glenn Marshall lied about his military record (it turns out there was none) and record as a sexual offender (it turns out there is one). That’s what forced him out of...

Center: Tobacco black market and New York tribes (December 19, 2008)

"Faced with a crushing state deficit, angry American Indians, and uncooperative tobacco companies, Paterson on December 15 signed into law a bill designed to take on one of America’s most lucrative black markets: the underground trade in cigarettes flowing...

Elouise Cobell: Indians still the invisible Americans (December 19, 2008)

"Your article omitted any reference to the huge responsibilities and massive failures of Indian programs run by the Interior Department. Indian programs and management of Indian lands and trusts are supposed to be a major part of Interior’s work. Interior...

Kevin Abourezk: Looking back on a year in limbo (December 19, 2008)

"The top news stories of the year: Barack Obama gets elected president, the economy slides deeper into recession, George W. Bush ends his final term as president. So, I got to thinking. What are the 10 top stories in Indian...

Opinion: Race-thinking persists in U.S. Indian policy (December 19, 2008)

"The election of a U.S. President whose heritage includes multiple ethnicities has been hailed around the world as a milestone for racial integration. Ironically, one day before Barack Obama’s election, the U.S. Supreme Court was at work discussing how to...