Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (Navajo Nation)
Posted: July 22, 2024
July 19, 2024
For Immediate Release:
TCRHCC Reinstates Mask Mandate Amid Rising COVID-19 Cases
TUBA CITY, Arizona – In response to increasing COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (TCRHCC) will reinstate its mask mandate across its health care facilities, effective July 19th. Both staff and patients are required to wear masks at our Tuba City, Flagstaff (Sacred Peaks), LeChee locations and on our Mobile Units.
To facilitate this change, updated door flyers and social media posts will be distributed. Screeners/Greeters will provide masks and informational flyers to everyone entering the facilities.
“Our decision is supported by the Senior Leadership Committee (SLC) and follows the recommendation from the Epi Response Team,” said Dr. Amanda Burrage, TCRHCC Medical Director of Public Health.
1. Mask Requirements: All staff and patients must wear masks. Surgical or KN95 masks are acceptable for most, while full PPE with N95 masks is required for those treating COVID-19 patients.
2. Exposure Protocol: If exposed to COVID-19, monitor for symptoms and take a home COVID test every 48 hours. Note that tests may not show positive results until 3-5 days after symptom onset. TCRHCC is currently out of home tests but is working to replenish supplies as soon as possible.
3. Public Health Clinic Services: The Public Health Clinic is open for walk-ins from 8:00-11:30 am and 12:30-4:00 pm for COVID testing and exams. Patients can also request Paxlovid without a visit by calling the Public Health Hotline at 928-606-4647 for a callback from a provider.
“TCRHCC will enforce this mask mandate for at least two weeks, after which the situation will be reviewed weekly,” said Dr. Burrage. “The mandate will be lifted when COVID-19 numbers fall below CDC thresholds.”
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TCRHCC Public Health dashboard has updated reports on Covid data at the website
For further information, please contact TCRHCC at 866-976-5941
Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (TCRHCC) is dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare services to the Navajo Nation, Hopi, San-Juan Paiute, and surrounding communities. For more information, visit our website at
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