Jonathan Nez, second from left, serves as President of the Navajo Nation. Photo: Navajo Nation Office of President and Vice President
The Navajo Nation
Office of the President and Vice President
September 13, 2022
8 new cases and one death related to COVID-19 reported
WINDOW ROCK, Arizona – On Tuesday, the Navajo Department of Health, in coordination with the Navajo Epidemiology Center and the Navajo Area Indian Health Service, reported eight new COVID-19 cases for the Navajo Nation and one recent death. The total number of deaths is 1,894. 594,391 COVID-19 tests have been administered. The overall total number of positive COVID-19 cases is now 73,326, including 141 delayed reported cases. A new case is defined as a positive test within the last 72-hours. Some cases are due to delayed reporting from the states. Any positive tests from beyond the last 72-hours are considered delayed.
“We must be very cautious with the increased spread of COVID-19 and Monkeypox. Continue to follow and advise the three w’s to your relatives and friends, such as wear a fitted mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance from others. If you are feeling ill like symptoms, please get tested, and if you are sick, please stay home and isolate. Together, we can prevent community outbreaks,” said Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez.
Health care facilities on the Navajo Nation continue to administer COVID-19 vaccines. If you would like to receive one of the COVID-19 vaccines, please contact your health care provider and schedule an appointment.
“Keep praying for our people and health care workers as we continue to stop the spread of COVID-19. We are stronger when we work together and support one another. Please be safe and keep praying for our people this week,” said Vice President Myron Lizer.
For more information, including helpful prevention tips, and resources to help stop the spread of COVID-19, visit the Navajo Department of Health’s COVID-19 website: http://www.ndoh.navajo-nsn.gov/COVID-19. For COVID-19 related questions and information, call (928) 871-7014
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