For Immediate Release
Kentenhkó:wa/November 4, 2021
MCA & SRMT Share Condolences on COVID-19 Fatalities
AKWESASNE — The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council join in sharing the unfortunate news of two (2) community member’s passing due to COVID-19. We offer our sincerest condolences and prayers to their family, friends, and others who have lost a loved one. There are no words that we can provide to lift the immense sorrow you are feeling at this time.
“The ongoing pandemic continues to make it difficult for us to be there in-person and to offer our heartfelt sympathies through a warm embrace to the grieving families, but please know that you are in our thoughts during this difficult moment,” shared Tribal Council.
The individuals that passed were under the jurisdiction of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and account for the Tribe’s fourth and fifth reported coronavirus fatalities. At the same time, MCA has reported nine (9) deaths in Akwesasne’s northern portion. The combined 14 fatalities are a painful reminder that COVID-19 continues to be a serious and dangerous threat to our community’s overall health and safety.
The unfortunate and painful passing highlight the ongoing importance of all eligible individuals to please get vaccinated. The COVID-19 Vaccines are the most important and effective tools we have to end the pandemic and have been proven safe at preventing severe illness that may result in hospitalization, or possibly death.
“We urge individuals who chose to remain unvaccinated to please weigh scientific facts against fears. We understand your hesitancy, but the benefits of being vaccinated far outweigh the risks. We don’t want to lose anyone else and continue to advise all eligible individuals to utilize the best defense there is against this virus – vaccination,” noted MCA.
The SRMT Health Services is holding a weekly vaccine clinic every Wednesday from Noon (12:00 p.m.) to 4:00 p.m. at the former-IGA Building, while appointments can be scheduled for MCA Community Health Program’s vaccine clinics on November 10th and November 24th by calling (613) 575-2341 ext. 3220.
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