Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Indian Health Service (Department of Health and Human Services)
Posted: March 23, 2021

Photo courtesy Indian Health Service

The Indian Health Service has updated its coronavirus data, showing COVID-19 vaccination distribution and administration as of March 22, 2021.

According to the data, the IHS has distributed 1,360,155 COVID-19 vaccine doses across 11 areas of Indian Country. Of that amount, 850,228 have been administered, representing 62.5 percent of the total.

Among the 11 areas of the IHS, the Oklahoma City Area has received the largest number of vaccines. The 420,920 doses account for about 30.9 percent of the total. Of that amount, 50.7 percent have been administered in the region.

With 221,325 doses distributed, the Navajo Area comes in second, accounting for 16.2 percent of the total across the IHS. Of those, 75.4 percent have been administered in the region as of March 22.

According to the IHS, vaccination distribution and administration will be updated weekly across the 11 areas that are receiving doses directly from the agency.

Tribal health facilities in Alaska have chosen to receive their supplies from the state, so their region is not included in the data.

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration by IHS Area

As of March 22, 2021, the IHS is distributing vaccine allocations of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine. The table below shows the total number of vaccine doses distributed and administered per IHS Area to date.

Area Total Doses Distributed* Total Doses Administered**
Albuquerque 104,855 83,854
Bemidji 92,345 66,456
Billings 40,765 28,523
California 132,935 64,183
Great Plains 91,720 54,809
Nashville 54,265 34,923
Navajo 221,325 166,882
Oklahoma City 420,920 213,611
Phoenix 133,730 84,675
Portland 59,995 46,842
Tucson^ 7,300 5,470
Grand Total 1,360,155 850,228

*Distributed Data Source: IHS National Supply Service Center, includes total doses ordered and anticipated to be delivered by March 15, 2021.

**Administered Data Source: CDC Clearinghouse data from Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS) and IHS Central Aggregator Service (CAS). Data in the CDC Clearinghouse reflects prior day data. Data may be different than actual data as there are known CDC data lags and ongoing quality review of data including resolving data errors.

^The Tucson Area vaccine administration data is currently being validated.

Note: Alaska Area – all tribes chose to receive COVID-19 vaccine from the State of Alaska.

Source: Indian Health Service (

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