Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Navajo Nation (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah)
Posted: December 3, 2020


The Navajo Nation

Office of the President and Vice President

December 2, 2020

310 new cases, 9,517 recoveries, and two more deaths related to COVID-19

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – On Wednesday, the Navajo Department of Health, in coordination with the Navajo Epidemiology Center and the Navajo Area Indian Health Service, reported 310 new COVID-19 positive cases for the Navajo Nation and two more deaths. The total number of deaths is now 658 as of Wednesday. Reports indicate that 9,517 individuals have recovered from COVID-19, and 166,820 COVID-19 tests have been administered. The total number of positive COVID-19 cases is now 17,035, including 14 delayed reported cases.

Navajo Nation COVID-19 positive cases by Service Unit:

  • Chinle Service Unit: 3,452
  • Crownpoint Service Unit: 1,869
  • Ft. Defiance Service Unit: 1,768
  • Gallup Service Unit: 2,779
  • Kayenta Service Unit: 1,749
  • Shiprock Service Unit: 2,669
  • Tuba City Service Unit: 1,725
  • Winslow Service Unit: 1,003

* 21 residences with COVID-19 positive cases are not specific enough to place them accurately in a Service Unit.

On Wednesday, the state of New Mexico reported 1,549 new cases of COVID-19, the state of Utah reported 4,004 cases, and Arizona reported 3,840.

“Many people across the country here at home on the Navajo Nation are struggling physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but we have to remember that the strength and toughness of our ancestors is within us to this day. We have to remain strong for ourselves and one another, especially those who are fighting COVID-19 and those who have lost loved ones. We cannot let down our guard and we have to do better. If you don’t have to purchase essential items, if you’re not an essential worker, or have an emergency then you should remain home to help stop the spread of COVID-19. When we isolate ourselves, we isolate the virus. The only way the virus can move and spread is when we move. Stay home, wear a mask, practice social distancing, avoid gatherings and crowds, and wash your hands often,” said Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez.

The Navajo Nation’s three-week stay-at-home lockdown is in effect 24-hours a day, seven days a week with the exception of essential workers, cases of emergencies, and to purchase essential items such as food and medication when essential businesses are open from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily.

“We are hopeful and optimistic that there will soon be a safe vaccine, but it will take some time for it to be made widely available. This week, the CDC advised that the first recipients of the pending vaccines should be health care workers and those living in long term living facilities. So, we have to remain diligent and patient, while we do our best to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe during this time. Please pray for our first responders and please pray for our Nation,” said Vice President Myron Lizer.

On Wednesday, the Nez-Lizer Administration distributed CARES Act food packages to 503 families in the communities of Burnham, Newcomb, and Naschitti, N.M. The Nez-Lizer Administration will host an online town hall on the Nez-Lizer Facebook page on Thursday, Dec. 3 at 6:00 p.m. to provide more updates.

For more information, including helpful prevention tips, and resources to help stop the spread of COVID-19, visit the Navajo Department of Health’s COVID-19 website: For COVID-19 related questions and information, call (928) 871-7014.

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