Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Navajo Nation (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah)
Posted: October 25, 2020


The Navajo Nation

Office of the President and Vice President

October 24, 2020

64 new cases, 7,466 recoveries, and no recent deaths related to COVID-19 as 56-hour weekend lockdown continues

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – On Saturday, the Navajo Department of Health, in coordination with the Navajo Epidemiology Center and the Navajo Area Indian Health Service, reported 64 new COVID-19 positive cases for the Navajo Nation and no recent deaths. The total number of deaths remains 574 as previously reported on Monday. Reports indicate that 7,466 individuals have recovered from COVID-19, and 121,274 COVID-19 tests have been administered. The total number of positive COVID-19 cases is now 11,217, which includes two delayed reported cases.

Navajo Nation COVID-19 positive cases by Service Unit:

  • Chinle Service Unit: 2,519
  • Crownpoint Service Unit: 1,076
  • Ft. Defiance Service Unit: 1,179
  • Gallup Service Unit: 1,738
  • Kayenta Service Unit: 1,380
  • Shiprock Service Unit: 1,731
  • Tuba City Service Unit: 1,056
  • Winslow Service Unit: 529

* Nine residences with COVID-19 positive cases are not specific enough to place them accurately in a Service Unit.

The Navajo Nation’s 56-hour weekend lockdown remains in effect until Monday, Oct. 26 at 5:00 a.m. (MDT), and another from Oct. 30 until Nov. 2. The Navajo Police Department continues to setup road checkpoints to enforce the weekend lockdown on the Navajo Nation.

On Saturday, the state of New Mexico reported a record-high of 875 new cases of COVID-19, the state of Arizona reported 890 new cases, and Utah reported 1,608.

“Today, New Mexico reported a record-high number of new COVID-19 cases with 875 in a single day, and the states of Arizona and Utah are even higher. If we keep trending this way, our health care system on the Navajo Nation might not be able to handle it with the limited resources and available health care workers. Our Navajo Nation residents have to think of our elders, children, and those with underlying health conditions before deciding to travel or holding family gatherings. We can issue many public health orders and public messages, but it ultimately comes down to every person’s actions. Please stay home during the weekend lockdown and take care of your loved ones,” said Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez.

On Tuesday, Oct. 27, the Nez-Lizer Administration will host an online town hall on the Nez-Lizer Facebook page beginning at 10:00 a.m. to provide more updates on COVID-19.

“Keep praying and do your best to remain strong during this pandemic. We are seeing rising numbers, so please be careful and keep your family and elders safe. We will overcome this eventually. Thank you to all of the first responders who are working hard everyday to fight for all of us,” said Vice President Myron Lizer.

For more information, including helpful prevention tips, and resources to help stop the spread of COVID-19, visit the Navajo Department of Health’s COVID-19 website: For COVID-19 related questions and information, call (928) 871-7014.

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