One COVID-19 death in the YK Delta on August 20
August 20, 2020
It is with deep sadness that YKHC reports that late in the day on August 19, a YK Delta resident in their 50’s died due to complications of COVID-19. The death occurred at the Bethel hospital and the individual was previously known to have tested positive for COVID-19. The next of kin have been notified.
The pandemic and the public health risks it poses is not over. Because COVID-19 is a novel virus, hospitals do not have access to vaccines that can prevent transmission or medical treatments that can treat serious infections. Additional cases emphasize the importance of continuing to practice all known protective measures. Protective measures include: avoid all non-essential travel, opt for free COVID-19 testing upon arrival at the Bethel, St. Mary’s, and Aniak airports when arriving from out-of-region, practice regular handwashing, remain physically distant (more than six feet) from anyone who does not reside in your same household, wear a mask when in public, and frequently disinfect high-touch surfaces in your home.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include a fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, and diminished sense of taste or smell. If you have these symptoms, do not go to your village clinic or to the emergency room in Bethel. Instead, call your village clinic or in Bethel call 543-6949 so a health care provider can assist you.
Get the latest information on COVID-19 from YKHC at
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