Press Release
August 21, 2020
CARES Act Funding Approval to Stabilize 1,100 Navajo Families
Navajo Gaming Extends Appreciation to All Navajo Nation Tribal Leadership
Flagstaff, Ariz. – The Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise (Navajo Gaming) team members, senior management and the Board of Directors extends their sincere gratitude for the unwavering support of Navajo Gaming. Áhéhéé’ to the 24th Navajo Nation Council, Speaker Seth Damon, President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer for their support of Navajo Gaming’s CARES Act funding.
Closure of the four tribally-owned casinos since March placed an extreme financial burden on operations forcing temporary layoffs of approximately 90 percent of the team members in two phases on July 28th and August 4th. Despite disciplined fiscal practices and Paycheck Protection Program funding, Navajo Gaming exhausted their financial resources on August 1, thereby impacting the team members. The CARES Act funding facilitates recalling team members as soon as possible. “We hope to bring our team members back in an expeditious manner and, despite the challenges of the pandemic, restabilize our most important asset, our team,” stated interim Navajo Gaming CEO Brian Parrish.
Navajo Gaming Board of Directors Chairman Quincy Natay stated, “We are grateful for the support of the Navajo Nation leadership during these challenging times. As a tribally-owned enterprise whose mission is to enhance the quality of life of the Navajo people through a successful gaming economy, we are focused on restoring salary and benefits to over 1,100 team members.”
According to a press release issued by the Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President (OPVP) on August 18, 2020, President Nez approved $475 million in CARES Act funding, including “$24.6 million for the Navajo Gaming Enterprise, who employ over 1,100 Navajo citizens, to avoid lay-offs, loss of healthcare insurance, and to sustain business operations.”
In partnership with the OPVP, Navajo Nation Gaming’s four properties will remain closed through the end of August. Navajo Gaming and Navajo Nation leadership remain committed to the safety of its team members and guests and will continue to assess reopening plans and protocols consistent with the Navajo Nation Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Navajo Gaming is one of many Navajo Nation-owned and operated enterprises that is charged with the mission of creating jobs, increasing revenues and stimulating incremental economic development. To learn more visit
For the latest news and information visit Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprises’ website: www.navajogaming.comand Facebook https://www.facebook.[0]=68.ARDysIPA5Z1IvbA778pGMOMK3-7GRxXTbRUkbqAVycqOYw0b-SqPLDzYaSrOKI0aqWPe0-MOhrMMRMbbGFdmb5Qli11LbPzneRfQLFT_2iW3ybu6e3Lo4DMrpXiLqyXRKaSfV7Prh_w_vbHadpPLAs-CLNq6adbl7IyS3_8sIAEnyumK5b8-OcIpGtUZCsPPF5bvZBVnYDsjaY488YYAIXNu1wklP1kcFhHYFghZo6_lmeP6EeAdWsn-XzXBq2aCSG75ScI_iYCQC-zGea5XEWWKolDb0TtO3SPwg_S0oIsC8sUvQw9-Mu6ehnUBzXp2SPj64mYpzbD8L3PcxI2ADU9e&__tn__=-R
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