Kiowa Tribe Executive Branch
For Immediate Release
July 2, 2020
Kiowa Tribe Ushers In New Era Of Fiscal Responsibility
The Tribe was notified by the Bureau of Indian Affairs on Monday, June 30, 2020, that effective immediately the agency was removing the Kiowa Tribe from Level II sanctions which had been imposed against the Tribe since 2016.
“This is much-welcomed news and will provide financial relief for the Tribe. We have waited a long time to work through these sanctions and we have finally seen the light of day. Our people will benefit tremendously now that the Tribe resumes full control of program funds and contract support payments. This is a great day for the Kiowa People,” states Chairman Matthew Komalty.
Today’s important announcement is a follow up to the Chairman’s letter released on June 22, 2020, which outlined the lack of fiscal responsibility that was prevalent at the Tribe for so many years and the root cause of the funding problems that its tribal citizens had to endure. “Not only are we caught up with our independent annual audits, but we now can start planning strategically for the next phase of the tribe’s future growth and success. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) letter opens the door to better planning of the tribe’s resources and gives us some breathing room,” added Komalty.
There is a negative political environment in play once again to create obstacles that will hinder the good work that has been accomplished by Chairman Komalty since he took office. Recent proposed action by the Legislative Branch against Chairman Komalty will have long term repercussions on the Tribe. Among other things, the primary force against the Chairman is the question on how to properly spend the CARES Act funding.
- PDF: Bureau of Indian Affairs Letter to Kiowa Tribe (June 30, 2020)
Chairman Komalty understands clearly where the Tribe has been and what it took to finally pull the Tribe from being subject to BIA sanctions. “We must follow the rules and regulations that are attached to the CARES Act Funding or any federal grants or federal financial assistance that inures to the Tribe. I inherited a financial mess that took time, resources, and long hours to clean up and set us straight. I will not allow the Tribe to be put into this situation again because we want to freely give out money that has many strings attached. I just won’t do it. The BIA letter vindicates the good work my team and I have been able to secure for the Tribe and its future,” affirms Chairman Komalty.
The Tribe will move forward on a positive note. The Kiowa have been struggling as a people for a very long time and through several difficult moments throughout their history, and yet they have persisted in their ways, culture and have managed to survive. “I have full faith that we will move forward on this imbalance between the two branches of government. However, in the short run, things may be a little rocky until things settle down politically. I pray that the Kiowa people will understand the dynamics that are in play at the present moment and will agree with the many good things I have been able to secure for us during my tenure,” states Chairman Komalty.
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