Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Pueblo of Laguna (New Mexico)
Posted: June 1, 2020
  • Sent 05/31/2020 21:21 MDT

The Laguna Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has confirmed one additional case of COVID-19 within the Pueblo of Laguna. Unfortunately, this case was identified at the Laguna Rainbow Center. The EOC has acted quickly to ensure the safety of all residents and staff. The EOC has been in direct contact with Governor Herrera and the Village Staff Officer, and the management of the Laguna Rainbow Center.

Contact tracing began immediately this morning and rapid testing has been administered to individuals who were in direct contact with the positive case, and have been put in isolation. All staff and residents of the Laguna Rainbow Center continued to be tested to ensure that there are no additional positive cases within the Center. The EOC continues its priority to keep all individual information private and we continue to support the needs of those who have been impacted so they may have a successful outcome. This new case brings the Pueblo of Laguna’s total to four confirmed positive COVID-19 cases. Please keep these individuals in your prayers.

The EOC reminds everyone that if you follow the Executive Order of staying home except for essential travel for work or groceries or medications, wear a face mask when in public, wash your hands often, and frequently clean high touch areas, your exposure to COVID-19 is minimized. 

Pueblo of Laguna:

pueblo of laguna

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