The Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden is hosting a free, online talk with Cree artist Kent Monkman on May 13 from 7 to 8 p.m.
“What I’m trying to do is to authorize Indigenous experience, both historic and contemporary, into this canon of art history. We’ve been erased from the art history of this continent. The settler artists that came here, they had their own vision of this continent, which was essentially an empty landscape.” – Kent Monkman, CBC, 2019
Cree artist Kent Monkman joins Hirshhorn chief curator Stéphane Aquin for a discussion on colonization, sexuality, warfare, and resilience, which are key themes throughout his art practice. This virtual event is part of #HirshhornInsideOut, the museum’s initiative to bring art into your home.
Monkman is widely known for his interventions into Western European and American art history. Through a variety of media, including painting, video, performance, and more, Monkman addresses the complexities of Indigenous experiences throughout history to today. Monkman’s gender-fluid alter ego Miss Chief Eagle Testickle often appears in his work as “a time-traveling, shape-shifting, supernatural being who reverses the colonial gaze to challenge received notions of history and indigenous peoples.”
Monkman’s painting Honour Dance has been on view in Manifesto: Art x Agency, an exhibition that explores how artists used manifestos to engage with the political and social issues of their time and how contemporary practices still employ art as a tool in the making of history.
This free program is online only, via Zoom. Registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the talk.
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