Let’s Defeat COVID-19: Image courtesy Pueblo of Zuni
In an update on April 21, 2020, the Pueblo of Zuni confirmed an increase in COVID-19 cases within the tribe’s region of New Mexico.
Of the 301 tests conducted solely through the local Indian Health Service unit, 36 are positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, according to the data.
The IHS unit serves the Pueblo of Zuni as well as the nearby Ramah Chapter of the Navajo Nation. The data does not break down tribal affiliation.
When tests from other facilities are included, the total number of local COVID-19 cases rises to 42, the data shows.
Additionally, results from mobile testing show 4 positive cases. According to the Pueblo of Zuni, three are tribal people.
Prior Updates:
April 20, 2020: 34 cases
April 17, 2020: 33 cases
April 16, 2020: 33 cases
April 15, 2020: 33 cases
April 14, 2020: 31 cases
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