Native Roots Radio and American Indian Movement St Paul Hosts Weekly Native Symposium “We’re Still Here”
A conversation on where we as native people are, and where we’re going.
- This week’s special guest: Tricia Zunker (Ho Chunk) running for Congress in Wisconsin
St Paul, MN (April 19th) - Native American run radio program, Native Roots Radio is pleased to announce that they will be hosting a weekly symposium with a panel of guests and special guests every Sunday at 5pm PST, 7pm CST, and 8pm EST.
These conversations will be open discussions regarding the affairs of Indian Country, not only limited to the arbitrary borders around us, but extending to our relatives in So-Called Canada, Mexico and the rest of the world. As our relative John Trudell said “…we prexist America.”
With the current global crisis of COVID-19 affecting native communities abilities to gather, these online discussions will be a way to continue the much needed dialogue, and for Native peoples to continue fighting the good fight, due to our disproptionately high rates of poverty, illness, suicide, MMIR, and the ongoing destruction of our earth mother for what the world refers to as “natural resources”.
This Week’s Live Stream:
Date: April 12th, 2020
Time: 5:00 PST | 7:00 CST | 8:00 EST
Native Roots Radio has been bringing information to Indian County since 2017. Hosted by Robert Pilot Our This weekly Native American talk radio show discusses national and local Native American news and events. We host an esteemed list of guests weekly that help us keep current with Mother Earth, Tribal and Twin Cities issues.
Native American Issues are human Issues. We invite all people to walk hand in hand with our struggles, victories and achievements. We need to all become AWAKE. Native Roots Radio is a service to the people.
For more information, please visit
Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (Navajo Nation)
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Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
White House Office of Management and Budget (Joe Biden Administration)
Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (Arizona, Navajo Nation)
Oklahoma City Indian Clinic (OKCIC)
Indian Health Service (Department of Health and Human Services)
Navajo Nation Town Hall (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah)
Navajo Nation (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah)
Tribal organizations statement on advance appropriations for Indian Health Service
Indian Health Service Statement on Advance Appropriations (Department of Health and Human Services)
Indian Health Service (Department of Health and Human Services)
Indian Health Service (Department of Health and Human Services)