The Indian Health Service has updated its coronavirus testing data, showing results as of 11:59pm Eastern on April 17, 2020.
According to the data, 16,704 people have been tested. Of those, 1,596 have been positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The figure represents an increase of nearly 10 percent from the 1,455 previously reported.
Testing continues to grow across several regions of the IHS. The Navajo Area, which has the largest number of COVID-19 positive cases, saw an increase of nearly 8 percent in the number of tests administered between April 16 and April 17.
The Oklahoma City Area saw testing increase by nearly 13 percent. And testing in the California Area grew by nearly 9 percent.
“Data is reported from IHS, tribal, and urban Indian organization facilities, though reporting by tribal and urban programs is voluntary,” the agency states on its website.
IHS Area | Tested | Positive | Negative |
Alaska | 1,321 | 11 | 665 |
Albuquerque | 1,805 | 223 | 792 |
Bemidji | 150 | 17 | 122 |
Billings | 1,943 | 19 | 1,746 |
California | 711 | 51 | 546 |
Great Plains | 342 | 22 | 279 |
Nashville | 989 | 40 | 634 |
Navajo | 4,638 | 908 | 3,138 |
Oklahoma City | 2,663 | 92 | 2,123 |
Phoenix | 800 | 123 | 567 |
Portland | 805 | 80 | 671 |
Tucson | 537 | 10 | 437 |
TOTAL | 16,704 | 1,596 | 11,720 |
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