Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Alaska Native Corporation Land Holdings
Posted: April 13, 2020

A map of the regions of Alaska established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Image: National Park Service
Alaska Native corporations hold title to millions of acres in Alaska. These lands were conveyed to the corporations following the mass extinguishment of any prior claims through the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971.
According to the ANCSA Regional Association, here are the lands held by the 13 regional corporations:
Ahtna, Incorporated
Land: Approximately 1.5 million acres
Aleut Corporation
Land: More than 1.5 million acres
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC)
Land: Nearly 5 million acres
Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC)
Land: 2.1 million acres
Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC)
Land: More than 3 million acres
Calista Corporation
Land: Approximately 6.5 million acres
Chugach Alaska Corporation
Land: 928,000 acres
Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated (CIRI)
Land: Approximately 1.6 million acres
Doyon, Limited
NANA Regional Corporation (NANA)
Land: Approximately 2.2 million acres
Sealaska Corporation
Land: 360,000 acres
TOTAL: 38.18 million acres, according to ANCSA Regional Association.
The Resource Development Council for Alaska, Inc. also has information about Alaska Native regional corporation land holdings, as well as revenue figures.
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