Larry Welch. Family photo
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/kby7b-larry-welch-memorial-fund
Larry C. Welch, a citizen of the Navajo Nation and a veteran of the U.S. armed forces, died of coronavirus on March 31, 2020, according to his family.
Welch was admitted to a hospital in Arizona on March 28. He passed three days later, a post on social media read.
“As a Gulf War Veteran in the early nineties, Larry proudly served in Operation Desert Storm as an 82nd Airborne Army Infantry. He was honorably discharged and talks about his duty days in Berlin, Germany from 1988 – 1994. He was a member of three organizations: Veterans of foreign War, Disabled American Veterans, and US American Legion.”
The family has started a memorial fund to help cover expenses. Contact Thomasina Dinehdeal at thomasinaddeal@gmail.com for details or read the post on social media.
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