Appeals court won't keep Cheney energy records secret
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A divided D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday rejected Vice President Dick Cheney's bid to keep documents from the White House energy task force secret.

Cheney lost a ruling at the district court, which ordered the task force to release its records. Rather than wait for a final decision in the case, which seeks to disclose the names of industry interests who were consulted by the White House, he appealed to the D.C. Circuit.

Siding with Judicial Watch, a public interest group, were Judge David S. Tatel, who wrote the 2-1 opinion, and Judge Harry T. Edwards. Both are appointees of Democratic presidents. Dissenting was Judge A. Raymond Randolph, a Bush I appointee.

Randolph is on the three-judge panel handling the Cobell contempt appeal.

Get the Story:
Cheney Loses Ruling on Energy Panel Records (The Washington Post 7/9)
Court Blocks Effort to Protect Secret Cheney Files (The New York Times 7/9)
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Get the Decision:
IN RE: CHENEY, No. 02-5354 (D.C. Cir. July 08, 2003)

Relevant Documents:
Reliable, Affordable, and Environmentally Sound Energy for America’s Future (The White House 5/17)
ERRATA: Corrections (The White House 5/17)

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Relevant Links:
Judicial Watch -

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