Land group seeking input from Indian Country
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Ed. Note: The following is a request for proposals by the Indian Land Tenure Foundation, a Minnesota non-profit whose goal is to educate, support activities and raise funds to carry out goals related to Indian land tenure. President Cris Stainbrook will present at the United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) impact week meeting on Wednesday.

The Indian Land Tenure Foundation (ILTF) has issued its first Request for Proposals (RFP) and is conducting a survey seeking the opinion of Indian people throughout Indian Country.

The Request for Proposals focuses on the educational strategy, which is to educate every Indian on land tenure issues, so that knowledge becomes power. The RFP is a critical step by ILTF in helping turn the tide, so that Indian people and tribes can own, manage and control their homelands.

The survey is being conducted by mail and the Internet to gather opinions of Native people throughout Indian Country. Why? Because to do its work effectively ILTF knows it is important to continue to learn what is on the minds of Native people. We have our roots deep in Indian Country. Advice and expertise from Indian Country has been sought since 1998. We believe this to be the barometer that guides us.

A drawing for prizes will be held from the completed surveys that are submitted either by mail or through the website. Of course, this means completing the necessary information to get the winning prize to you. The compiled results of the survey will be posted on the Indian Land Tenure Foundation’s web site and distributed to those requesting it when they submit their mailed surveys.

This will be the first in a series of surveys on land and land-related issues that ILTF will conduct. Please take the time to look over the questions and send us your opinions.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you,

Cris Stainbrook

Relevant Links:
Indian Land Tenure Foundation -

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