Support grows for Idaho's tribes
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Tribes in north Idaho have garnered the support of 12,000 residents to back a voter initiative on Indian gaming.

The Nez Perce Tribe and the Coeur d'Alene Tribe financed Proposition 1. They want to allow video slot machines at casinos and share money with the state.

The issue was debated last night on Idaho Public Television. Tribal leaders squared off against opponents -- mostly white Republicans -- over the benefits of gaming.

"It´s a night and day difference for our people to go from poverty to prosperity, from a culture of welfare to break that welfare and replace hopelessness and despair with opportunity and hope," said Coeur d'Alene casino executive Dave Matheson.

Get the Story:
Tribes, gaming foes debate initiative (The Idaho Statesman 10/4)
Indian gaming backers grow (The Spokesman Review 10/3)

Relevant Documents:
Text of Indian Gaming Initiative (Idaho Secretary of State)

Relevant Links:
Coeur d'Alene Tribe -
Nez Perce Tribe -
Shoshone-Bannock Nation -

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