Opinion: Drilling deal good for Crow Tribe
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TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2002

An executive of a company that has entered into a development deal with the Crow Tribe of Montana praises the arrangement in a guest editorial today.

Terry Barrett, vice president of exploration for Bill Barrett Corp. of Colorado, writes in The Billings Gazette that the deal makes the tribe a shareholder. He also says other tribes will be watching the way the company handles coalbed methane drilling on the reservation.

Barrett also says the deal will provide jobs to Crow tribal members. "We're proud to have been chosen to be the tribe's partner and take seriously the role we can play to strengthen the tribe's prospects for self-determination, education and economic development," he writes.

Get the Story:
Terry Barrett: Methane partnership will benefit Crow, gas developer (The Billings Gazette 7/23)

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