Bush promotes minority home ownership
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TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2002

President Bush on Monday called for minority home ownership to increase by the end of the decade.

Current statistics put the figure at 13 million. Bush, during a visit to an Atlanta neighborhood, wants an additional 5.5 million new minority owners.

The statistics don't appear to include American Indians and Alaska Natives. Coinciding with Bush remarks, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez released a report detailing the barriers to minority home ownership.

The report was based on Census Bureau statistics but only included data on African-Americans and Hispanics. Bush was promoting $2.7 billion in housing initiatives targeted at this group.

Bush declared June National Homeownership Month.

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Bush Calls for Increasing Minority Homeownership (The Washington Post 6/18)
Bush Calls Transformed Area a Model Program for Housing (The New York Times 6/18)
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Relevant Documents:
HUD Report: Barriers to Minority Homeownership | HUD Press Release