Nev. tribe sues over seized cattle
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FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2002

Update: A federal judge denied the tribe's request to halt the sale.

The Te-Moak Tribe of Nevada was joined by ranchers and states' rights advocates in filing a lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management on Thursday.

The groups are protesting the seizure of 157 head of cattle. The BLM took the cows from land the tribe contends is still Indian Country under an 1863 treaty.

The BLM responds that the tribe owes $2.5 million in unpaid fees dating to 1984.

A federal judge will hear the tribe's case this morning, a half-hour before the BLM is to auction the herd, worth an estimated $100,000.

Get the Story:
UPDATE: Judge rejects Nevada tribe's effort to block government cattle auction (AP 5/31)
Tribe, activists sue government (AP 5/31)
Tribe Sues in Land Management Row (AP 5/30)

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Seizure of tribal cattle protested (5/30)
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