Makah whaling quota approved
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FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2002

The International Whaling Commission on Thursday extended the gray whale quota to the Makah Nation of Washington.

The United States made the request on behalf of the tribe. Up to 20 whales can be taken from 2003 to 2007.

Also approved by the IWC was the gray whale hunt of Natives in Siberia. Russia made the request.

Rejected for a second time in two days was a quota affecting bowhead whales. The United States sought approval for Inupiat Eskimos and Russia for Siberian Natives.

Get the Story:
Whaling panel gives Makahs 5 more years to hunt grays (The Seattle Times 5/24)
Makah Tribe is granted 5 more years of whaling (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 5/24)

Relevant Links:
International Whaling Commission -
The Makah Nation -

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