Worst rating goes to DOI study
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FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2002

A joint environmental impact study prepared by the Department of Interior and the state of Montana received a negative rating by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Region 8 Denver office of the EPA upheld an EU-3 rating for the coalbed methane drilling study. EU-3 means environmentally unsatisfactory.

The report affects drilling in the Powder River Basin on Wyoming and Montana. Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles opposed the negative rating and has since taken himself off future drilling studies in the area.

Griles used to lobby on behalf of companies which drill in the basin.

Get the Story:
Wyo. Drilling Project Gets Failing Grade from EPA (The Washington Post 5/17)

Relevant Links:
Montana DEQ Coal Bed Methane Plan -
Coalbed Methane, Region 8 -

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