Blackfeet Nation in dispute with former lawyer
Tuesday, February 3, 2004

The Blackfeet Nation of Montana has barred its former attorney from practicing law on the reservation.

Tribal leaders say Joe McKay violated the attorney-client privilege. He went public with allegations that the tribe misspent nearly $3 million in federal funds.

The tribe referred McKay to a Montana agency but three lawyers there recommended he be reinstated.

McKay had been performing legal services for long Blackfeet leader Earl Old Person as part of the Cobell Indian trust fund suit suit. McKay filed court documents and talked to the press about the case on behalf of Old Person, who was removed as a lead plaintiff last year.

Get the Story:
Commission: Blackfeet attorney should be reinstated (AP 2/2)
Blackfeet council suspends McKay (The Great Falls Tribune 2/1)

Relevant Links:
Blackfeet Nation -

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