BIA firefighter pleads guilty to setting major fire
Tuesday, October 21, 2003

A former contract firefighter for the Bureau of Indian Affairs pleaded guilty on Monday to intentionally starting part of the Rodeo-Chediski Fire.

Leonard Gregg, a member of the White Mountain Apache Tribe of Arizona, faces up to 10 years, a $500,000 fine and up to $50 million in restitution for two criminal counts of arson. He admitted setting the "Rodeo" portion of the fire, more than half of which destroyed his tribe's reservation last summer.

A white woman who set the other portion was not charged by federal authorities but was charged in tribal court for a civil infraction.

Get the Story:
Gregg pleads guilty to setting fire (AP 10/21)
Fireman admits setting blaze (The Arizona Republic 10/21)
Firefighter faces up to 5 years in prison over 'Rodeo' fire (The Arizona Republic 10/20)

Relevant Links:
White Mountain Apache Tribe -

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