City survey on alcohol abuse reveals racism
Friday, October 17, 2003
The mayor of Gallup, New Mexico, says racist comments made on the city's recent survey on alcohol abuse do not reflect how most people feel toward Native Americans. According to The Gallup Independent, only a few of the hundreds of responses talked about Natives. Mayor Bob Rosebrough apologized for those statements. The Independent quotes some of the responses. "Since 80 percent of the street drunks are Native American, why not get together with the Navajo and Zuni tribes and detain these people at some point for five days or so," one person said. "You don't see drunk Indians playing golf," another wrote. "That is why we can't get chain franchises like Chili's here. We need to get rid of these drunks." Get the Story:
Mayor sorry about racial slurs made by others (The Gallup Independent 10/16)
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