Paddle Journey runs ashore on Tulalip Reservation
Monday, July 28, 2003
As many as 10,000 people are expected to join the Tulalip Tribes as they welcome the participants of the annual Paddle Journey to the reservation. The Tulalip Tribes are hosting the final ceremony for the first time. They will host 40 to 60 crews, or Canoe Families, for the next six days. The Canoe Families originated from tribes in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia in Canada. Get the Story:
Canoe Journey to draw thousands to Tulalip Tribes celebration (The Everett Herald 7/27)
Peninsula: Tribes to double Paddle Journey distance next year (The Peninsula Daily News 7/28)
Peninsula: Paddle Journey to end today (The Peninsula Daily News 7/28) Relevant Links:
Paddle Journey 2003 - Related Stories:
Tribal canoeists endure some rough weather (7/23)
Pacific N.W. tribal canoe trip wrapping up (7/22)
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