Bush defends faith-based plan

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JUNE 6, 2001

President Bush on Tuesday lashed out against critics of his controversial faith-based initiative, arguing it would hurt a home-building program whose president said doesn't need federal funds.

Bush said the Habitat for Humanity program is a good idea of why his program will work. President and founder Millard Fuller, however, said the group is doing well without it and expressed his own concerns about the initiative.

Bush wants to direct more federal funds to religous groups. Critics say this blurs the line between church and state.

The Senate Judiciary Committee today will hold a hearing on legal issues of the faith-based initiative. It begins at 10 AM Eastern Standard Time.

Listen to the Hearing:
Audio (CapitolHearings.Org)

Get the Story:
Bush Assails 'Faith-Based Initiative' Critics (The Washington Post 6/6)

Relevant Links:
Habitat for Humanity -

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