Indian committee not affected by anthrax

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The Senate Indian Affairs Committee has not been affected by the shutdown of some offices due to an anthrax threat in Washington, D.C.

Several offices in one wing of the Hart Senate building have been closed but the committee is located on the opposite end of the building. Only those in and around the office of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) are being closed.

Secondary tests have confirmed a letter sent to Daschle's office and opened by an aide yesterday contained anthrax. Twelve Senator's offices in the southwest wing are being closed and all staff is being tested and treated with the antibiotic Cipro.

The Indian Affairs Committee is chaired by Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii). The vice-chairman is Sen. Ben Nigthorse Campbell (R-Colo.)

Get the Story:
Tests Confirm Anthrax in Letter to Daschle (The Washington Post 10/16)

Today on Indianz.Com:
Native newsrooms not worried about anthrax (10/16)

Relevant Links:
Senate Indian Affairs Committee -
Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program, Department of Defense -

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